Meta New Age Animation Earns Into the Spider-Verse a Best Movie Review
Five out of Five Dangers
Into the Spider-Verse is a Meta Loaded New Animation
(DM) — Let’s get one thing straight. Reviews with five stars... five...
Rogue One A Star Wars Story Film Review
Social justice warriors of the world will claim victory with a truly diverse cast of characters, the truth is the storied world of Star Wars has always had diverse characters.
Guardians of the Galaxy Film Review
Guardians of the Galaxy is Marvel's Strongest Film Effort To Date
Five out of Five Dangers
(DM) — Guardians of the Galaxy is the most advertised Marvel movie...
X-Men Days of Future Past Sucks Even Without Comparison To The MCU
Three out of Five Dangers
(DM) — The MCU's success should have set Fox straight. Follow cannon and your superhero movie will be a winner with...
Sony Keeps Retreading Spider-Man When He Belongs In The MCU
Spider-Man Stories Keep Screwing Up Canon - Just Give Him Back To Marvel
Three out of Five Dangers
(DL) — This is a detailed spoiler-free review...
Forcing The Novel Winter’s Tale Into a Two Hour Movie Ruined a Good Book...
Winter's Tale Is Too Much Story For A Movie. It Needs To Be A NetFlix Series
One out of Five Dangers
(DL) — How does one...
Chris Hemsworth is Thor: The Dark World
Can You Imagine A Marvel Thor Movie Being Watchable Without Chris Hemsworth?
Two out of Four Dangers
(DL) — Thor scores a high Two out of...
Ender’s Game Deceptive Start Ruins The End
Ender's Game Start Ruins The End
Two out of Five Dangers
(DL) — The golden rule in movie making. Don't insult the viewer. Ender's Game attempts being...
Kaiju Monsters Come To America In Pacific Rim
Kaiju Monsters Destroying America!
Three out of Five Dangers
(DL) — Do you need a change in diet from superhero films? Pacific Rim is a monster...
Henry Cavill as SuperMan Flies but The Man of Steel Contrasts Hard Against Marvel
Two out of Five Dangers
(DM) — Yes. The new Superman flies high, unfortunately, Man of Steel contrasts hard against Marvel's much softer, fun universe. The good...